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University House Apartments

exterior renovation


University House Apartments


Birmingham, AL


Exterior Renovation

Project Scope:

We repaired and repainted the exterior of this off-campus student housing complex, including:

  • Removed and replaced damaged siding and trim
  • Repainted stucco siding, Hardie siding and wood trim, downspouts, ceiling and piping, brick lintel and window trim, doors and door trim, gutters, handrails, breezeway entry gates, balcony beams, joists, and ceilings, utility doors, pool arbor, pool equipment enclosure, and exterior perimeter of parking deck and awnings

We removed and replaced damaged siding, and ensured that any new Hardie Plank siding needed for replacement matched the existing as closely as possible.

Before repainting, we pressure-washed all exterior surfaces to remove dirt, oil, grease, and blistered or peeling paint. After allowing surfaces to dry, we scraped them to remove all remaining loose paint that might interfere with a pristine exterior.

We repainted the pool arbor and equipment enclosure, allowing student residents to enjoy a beautiful recreational area.


Check out the transformation.